“The Best Playground EVER!”
The Wonder of Play

Explore its magical connection to learning,
self-motivation, and well adjusted kids!


Play is Magical!

Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or educator, The Wonder of Play is a must-read for anyone seeking to foster happier, more well-rounded children.

The Wonder of Play by Stephen Andrews offers a fresh perspective on understanding childhood development and the essential role that play has in shaping young minds. Delving into how kids’ brains change as they grow, this book explores the unique ways children think and process the world around them.

Andrews emphasizes the immense value of free-play, highlighting how it fuels creativity, curiosity, and emotional growth. Through play, children not only learn new skills, but also navigate conflicts, build resilience and problem-solving abilities that serve them well into adulthood. Unlock the power of play and see how it can enhance learning, strengthen relationships, and equip kids with the tools they need for a successful, balanced life.


  • Through play, kids learn and internalize life skills.
  • Play is not just physical. It is also an attitude, a mindset.
  • Kids’ minds are constantly growing. Learn what level of play is appropriate.
  • Surprise! Your child’s mind probably doesn’t work like yours.
  • What are Ah-Ha moments and 3D thinking?
  • Explore how free-play inspires kids and fires their imaginations.
  • Become a storyteller, not just a book reader.

Stephen Andrews is a visionary who constantly seeks wisdom. He studied architecture and taught design as a graduate student, and industrial arts at the high school level.

He loves entrepreneur concepts, owns a printing company, and has made children’s toys. As a pioneer in the home school movement, Steve has led hundreds of families in their child’s education.

In 2019, he and Cindy designed and started building Discovery Park Ohio on their mini-farm. As of 2024, over 10,000 kids have visited their adventure park. Watching that many kids playing hard teaches you a lot about play and how kids learn.

He shares his insights with a regular newsletter and speaking engagements to help families understand how play and learning are connected.


Since Cindy and I built Discovery Park about five years ago, we have watched over 10,000 kids joyfully explore and discover. We’ve seen them chase after chickens and proudly show off their catches. Our train cars have probably been hand-cranked over a hundred miles. Our experimental playground has taught us so much that I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. Last winter, I began writing a book about everything I’ve observed and learned regarding how kids grow and learn through play and even how they share and negotiate during play. And you thought I was just an old man wandering around, doing maintenance!

I wrote a book about all my discoveries, which has now been released on Amazon. I need your help! For the first two weeks of March, the book will be available at a discounted price of $15.99. Please consider purchasing it! This book will have a significant impact on your family’s life. Even if you don’t often read, please consider this easy-to-read book. I care more about the message within the book than the money – understanding the impact of play on your child’s life is what truly matters. I want you to realize its power!

I have a link to a sampler of the book right here:

The Wonder of Play Sampler

Cindy’s beautiful artwork is featured throughout the book. Getting at least 100 reviews on Amazon is crucial for the book’s success, and I’m counting on you! Please forward this newsletter to your friends, and when you buy the book, let them know what you think. Most importantly, PLEASE write those reviews.


Discovery Park is located at Earth Song Farm in Lodi, Ohio
7634 Lafayette Rd. (Rt. 42), Lodi, Ohio

Contact number - 330-242-3772
Email - steph@camelotprinting.com