“The Best Playground EVER!”

2023 Newsletter Archive


Posted July 5, 2023

A Two Year Old with a Knife – Yikes!

ARE YOU CRAZY! Of course you wouldn’t allow that – they’re not ready.

Lets talk about this stage of development – Birth to 18-24 months. Most observant parents probably know this, they just haven’t put it into words.


The Sensorimotor phase....

An infant is born with a group of reflexes that are instinctual (sucking, closing hand around an object placed in it). From these passive responses he progresses rapidly to more active responses.

The passive release of looking changes into the active search for objects. Reflexive crying changes into the active demand for food, expressing anger, or seeking relief from discomfort.

The separate activities of the infant are coordinated during this period: he learns to follow the motion of his hand with his eyes and to control that motion. The infant learns that objects have permanence, and begins to look for things that have been removed from his field of vision. He begins to be aware of depth and space, and learns to maneuver in this space. He learns causality as he sees that his activity results in a corresponding change in his environment. He begins to observe the actions of others and attempts to imitate their activity, as well as learning the separation of means and ends, thus being able to go through a series of simple steps to achieve a desired result.

The end of the sensorimotor phase, with the learning of language, marks the emergence of genuine intelligence, but an intelligence still far removed from the reflective intelligence of adults.

Soon comes “practice play”.... The characteristics of practice play are repetition and pleasure in being the cause of an external event. An example of this play is the child who has recently discovered that when he lets go of an object it falls to the ground. Over and over he will pick it up and drop it again, each time exhibiting obvious delight.

....excerpt from “Design for Play” by Richard Dattner AIS 1969, Page 24

Most of these activities happen in the house. There is a great amount of joy watching a child learn to use their body, manipulate things and smile when they hear your voice.

At Discovery Park, it’s amazing to watch those even under 2 making the train go around or sitting on their big brother’s lap as he takes a trip around the park.

Don’t hesitate to bring them with the older kids when you visit Discovery Park. They will enjoy the sandbox and fill a bucket repeatedly!


Let’s have some fun
at Discovery Park!

That’s what good play is all about.

No directions, nobody telling you that
“you can’t do it that way”.

It’s pure discovery!


2023 Newsletters.....

Dec 30, 2023
     Don’t Talk Back!

Dec 24, 2023
     Hope - The Goat

Dec 17, 2023
     Story Reader or Story Teller

Dec 9, 2023
     Talking to Puppets

Dec 1, 2023
     Let’s Bake Some Math

Nov 26, 2023
     Stumbling Over Words

Nov 17, 2023
     Do You Emote?

Nov 11, 2023
     Homemade Christmas

Nov 5, 2023
     The Next New Toy

Oct 28, 2023
     Spoken from the Heart

Oct 20, 2023
     Take the Green Pill

Oct 10, 2023
     Tender Hearts and Minds

Oct 1, 2023

Sept 21, 2023
     I Had a Dream

Sept 18, 2023
     Trip to Nowhere

Sept 10, 2023
     Overcoming Procrastination

Sept 2, 2023
     Floating Through Life

Aug 27, 2023
     One Legged Chickens

Aug 20, 2023
     What Rich Kids Learn

Aug 18, 2023
     The Yellow Monster is Here!

July 29, 2023
     To School or Not to School....

July 22, 2023
     Grandma Died. “I’m Sorry”

July 5, 2023
     A Two Year Old with a Knife – Yikes!

June 25, 2023
     This is a Test

June 17, 2023
     Music to My Ears

June 9, 2023
     This is Really Messy – Yay!

May 31, 2023
     Do Frogs go to Heaven?

May 25, 2023
     I Bet You Can’t Do It!

May 17, 2023
     The Camping Craze

May 13, 2023
     You're Going to Have to
Let Them Go.

May 4, 2023
     The Power of Ah-Ha

Apr. 20, 2023
     Green Eggs and Ham

Apr. 20, 2023
     I Don’t Get You!

Apr. 12, 2023
     Where's the Challenge?

Apr. 5, 2023
     Did You Find Gold?

Apr. 2, 2023
     Special Edition
(Chicks... Season Pass.... Homeschoolers)

Mar. 29, 2023
     Life is about Balance

Mar. 22, 2023
     Intuitve Play

Mar. 15, 2023
     This Looks Boring!

Mar. 8, 2023
     Where’s the Fire?

Mar. 4, 2023
     Words Matter!

Mar. 1, 2023
     It’s All Make Believe!

Feb. 22, 2023
     This is a Little Wobbly!

Feb. 15, 2023
     I’m a Slow Learner, Apparently...

Feb. 8, 2023
     What is it with Trains?

Feb. 1, 2023
     Have You Lost Your Play?


Discovery Park is located at Earth Song Farm in Lodi, Ohio
7634 Lafayette Rd. (Rt. 42), Lodi, Ohio

Contact number - 330-242-3772
Email - steph@camelotprinting.com