“The Best Playground EVER!”

2023 Newsletter Archive


Posted August 20, 2023

The “Rich Kids”

If you were to apply for a job at a company that was known for innovation and ground breaking advances, they probably won’t ask for your grade point average. They won’t ask for your test scores or your school ranking. None of that will matter. They want to know if you know HOW to learn.

The world is changing so fast that what you are taught in school is probably out of date. They want to know if you have figured out how to teach yourself! Nobody has time to hold your hand and there won’t be a room full of desks and a teacher.

Here are more expectations that “the elite” have for their child’s education. (last newsletter had the first 8). These “beyond the classroom” ideas are from John Taylor Gotto, award winning teacher.

9) Push kids in their interests. Kids become fascinated by different “things”. Give them time to explore in depth. Push them to see all the connections that the “thing” has to other “things”. Challenge them to push beyond their internal boundaries. Never let them be satisfied with just an OK performance.

10) They must learn to write well. Start a journal. Every evening write what you “discovered” that day. Not a list of what you did. Push deeper. What profound statement did grandma make? Am I satisfied with my own growth today? What impacted me at dinner? Start with a minimum of 300 words (about 30 sentences). Work towards 1000 words a day.

11) Accuracy in observation. Try drawing something or describing something, then elevate your drawing/writing. Did you get the proportions right? How about the lighting and the shadows? Were there details you glossed over? Being able to accurately observe your environment, people, the feeling and the mood will sharpen every skill you are developing.

12) Never go to a book if you can talk to the author. I read a book about gardening that was way beyond any other gardening book I had ever read. The author, I discovered, lived in Norwalk, OH. I contacted him, we had dinner together and he showed me stuff that was way beyond what was even in his book. We became lifelong friends. Another time I drove to Raleigh, N. Carolina to meet another author. It was worth the drive.

Again, none of these ideas cost a lot of money. But you do need to invest time in your kids. Each skill you work at with them is also a skill you are learning. When YOU start a journal, soon your kids will want their own journal. Your kids need to see you writing and wanting to grow wiser, not just older. Pick one and just go for it!


It’s Fun Being a Kid Again!

Let’s have some fun
at Discovery Park!

That’s what good play is all about.

No directions, nobody telling you that
“you can’t do it that way”.

It’s pure discovery!


2023 Newsletters.....

Dec 30, 2023
     Don’t Talk Back!

Dec 24, 2023
     Hope - The Goat

Dec 17, 2023
     Story Reader or Story Teller

Dec 9, 2023
     Talking to Puppets

Dec 1, 2023
     Let’s Bake Some Math

Nov 26, 2023
     Stumbling Over Words

Nov 17, 2023
     Do You Emote?

Nov 11, 2023
     Homemade Christmas

Nov 5, 2023
     The Next New Toy

Oct 28, 2023
     Spoken from the Heart

Oct 20, 2023
     Take the Green Pill

Oct 10, 2023
     Tender Hearts and Minds

Oct 1, 2023

Sept 21, 2023
     I Had a Dream

Sept 18, 2023
     Trip to Nowhere

Sept 10, 2023
     Overcoming Procrastination

Sept 2, 2023
     Floating Through Life

Aug 27, 2023
     One Legged Chickens

Aug 20, 2023
     What Rich Kids Learn

Aug 18, 2023
     The Yellow Monster is Here!

July 29, 2023
     To School or Not to School....

July 22, 2023
     Grandma Died. “I’m Sorry”

July 5, 2023
     A Two Year Old with a Knife – Yikes!

June 25, 2023
     This is a Test

June 17, 2023
     Music to My Ears

June 9, 2023
     This is Really Messy – Yay!

May 31, 2023
     Do Frogs go to Heaven?

May 25, 2023
     I Bet You Can’t Do It!

May 17, 2023
     The Camping Craze

May 13, 2023
     You're Going to Have to
Let Them Go.

May 4, 2023
     The Power of Ah-Ha

Apr. 20, 2023
     Green Eggs and Ham

Apr. 20, 2023
     I Don’t Get You!

Apr. 12, 2023
     Where's the Challenge?

Apr. 5, 2023
     Did You Find Gold?

Apr. 2, 2023
     Special Edition
(Chicks... Season Pass.... Homeschoolers)

Mar. 29, 2023
     Life is about Balance

Mar. 22, 2023
     Intuitve Play

Mar. 15, 2023
     This Looks Boring!

Mar. 8, 2023
     Where’s the Fire?

Mar. 4, 2023
     Words Matter!

Mar. 1, 2023
     It’s All Make Believe!

Feb. 22, 2023
     This is a Little Wobbly!

Feb. 15, 2023
     I’m a Slow Learner, Apparently...

Feb. 8, 2023
     What is it with Trains?

Feb. 1, 2023
     Have You Lost Your Play?


Discovery Park is located at Earth Song Farm in Lodi, Ohio
7634 Lafayette Rd. (Rt. 42), Lodi, Ohio

Contact number - 330-242-3772
Email - steph@camelotprinting.com